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My Beloved!

My Beloved!

Oh! What a joy that sweeps through my soul as I hear your voice

How amazingly my heart dances as I notice your presence

What a peace that washes over me as you remind me that you are here

How beautifully warm my heart gets as you sing over me.

My closest friend!

Oh! I would never trade you for anyone else.

I love you so much

And sometimes words can't do such a love justice.

You are so dear to my heart.

You have always walked alongside me

Ever since the day we met.

That was the best day of my life.

I never knew that meeting you that day will lead us here,

A place of great intimacy and endless love.

Thank you for being my greatest friend.

You love me without judgment.

Thank you for teaching me how to love

Your love motivates me to keep loving.

It's a love that leaves me in awe and wonder.

I will always walk with you, holding your hands

Because I cherish our relationship and I never want to lose you.

Please, stay close to me and never leave me.

Hold me so close that I can listen to your heart with mine

I want to understand you merely by looking into your eyes.

Let's dance through the night, living in every heartbeat.

Spin me around the room till my feet are numb

Because in your arms, I have all I need.

Close your eyes and walk with me.

You've done a lot for me and I want to do something special for you.

Look at us acting like kids.

We are so in love that everyone could see.

I wish we could hide it, but I'm afraid not.

The love is so surreal that I often wonder to myself how lucky I am to have someone like you.

You are truly special and I want to make you feel special every day.

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