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Ride or Die

Meet your lifelong companion,

She is the only one you can never outrun.

She is always there, sitting silently,

Even when no one else is.

When the world is against her,

She needs you to avouch and advocate for her.

She needs reassurance that you won't write her off like everyone else,

Because your criticism is her deepest fear.

Your comfort is all she longs for,

But she often gets scared to ask for your warm embrace because she fears being cold-shouldered.

It is easy to push her away like everybody else,

But that is when she needs you the most.

When everyone else is passing judgment,

Will you lend a listening ear?

Will you pull her in rather than push her away?

What will your response say about your love?

Is your love unconditional?

Available not only when she makes you proud,

But for those moments she lets you down.

Does your love promise to be there when everything is falling apart?

She needs you to reassure her that everything will be alright,

Especially when guilt and shame become the loudest voices in her mind.

Let your unquestioning acceptance speak for your love and

Let it tell the story of how you would ride and die for her.

Be a shoulder she can lean on,

Love on her like never before.

Yes, you see all her imperfections,

But you also know that she is worth more.

She is precious!

Remind her of this truth.

Remind her that a chapter does not ruin her story,

Because a masterpiece remains a masterpiece regardless of its imperfections.

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